速報APP / 遊戲 / DESQChess.club - Chess board and social

DESQChess.club - Chess board and social





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:810 N O St Lake Worth, FL 33460

DESQChess.club - Chess board and social chess(圖1)-速報App

DESQChess is simply playing chess, whether with someone over the table, or a friend or loved one across the country online. Either use as a board instantly or connect with Facebook and other social media to play social games online.

DESQChess.club - Chess board and social chess(圖2)-速報App

Meant for casual gameplay rather than rigorous competitive play, taking back of moves is allowed (and encouraged when agreed upon). Arrange a match with a friend in a chess group you populate with invited friends online - or just play someone next to you using your phone as the board.

DESQChess.club - Chess board and social chess(圖3)-速報App

Install and be playing in minutes, friends can join you via the app or on the web at http://desqchess.club

DESQChess.club - Chess board and social chess(圖4)-速報App